As we start off yet another year here at ACG "Smart Parts", and before we get into the first issue of our "Top 5 Parts Focus Points" in the First Quarter of 2025, I would like to start off with a little editorial to kick things off. Then we will dive into our first issue of 2025.
ACG "Smart Parts" has now been publishing monthly blogs and articles for nearly 15 years as we are now publishing our 178th issue in January of 2025. I've often been asked how we can keep going on focusing on Parts each and every month for almost 15 years.
After all, how much more can we write about Parts after all these years? What can be new and exciting over what we already know about Parts? What can we learn that will help us to continue on in our industry that may give us that "edge" over anyone else?
Surprisingly, writing these articles and blogs for almost 15 years goes much further than the basic questions mentioned. Even though our industry is constantly changing in many areas, it all comes down to "Coaching".
Much like in many professional sports, even though many professionals are experts in their field, we believe that everyone still needs a Coach. Someone that will keep us on our toes on the basics as well as picking out areas that need improvement or "tweaking".
It's easy to lose sight by taking our eyes off the ball with our everyday Duties & Responsibilities, we need that "coach" to put us back on track or perhaps keep us on track. This is why we move on each month, concentrating on what needs to be focused on while all the while, forging forward on to new goals and new heights.
That being said, our first issue of ACG "Smart Parts" in 2025 will be devoted to what we need to focus on entering this New Year. Even though the content may not necessarily be new, the real question is...
"Are We Ready for the New Year and What Do We Need to Focus on Right Out of the Gate?"
Here we go "Smart Parts" Readers as we venture into 2025 with our first issue!...
January 2025:
First Quarter 2025: "Top 5 Parts Focus Points"
Moving on to a New Year has many benefits for the Parts Department
as the clock has been rewound back to zero in many areas. Calculating Parts
Gross & True Turn starts over, Year to Date Sales & Gross Percentages,
Sales Activity rewinds and End of Year Parts Reconciliations have given us a
new start.
In this
issue of ACG "Smart Parts", we will key in on our "Top 5 Parts
Focus Points" in the First Quarter of 2025 starting in January through
March of the New Year. Getting a jump in Parts, in my opinion is most important
every New Year as these first few months can highly impact the Parts Asset and Profitability for
the whole year ahead.
Let's Get Started!...
Number One: Reducing and Eliminating Parts Obsolescence
Even though we wound down last year with perhaps some "parts
write-offs" to close out the year, many dealers out
there enter the New Year with an excessive amount of parts obsolescence. Even though they may have made adjustments at the end of the year, they still tend to carry over a good portion of their obsolescence.
We first must
accept the fact that parts will go obsolete at a rate of at least 3% - 5% each
year no matter what we do. So, the question really isn't if we will accrue more parts
obsolescence as it is more of a question of what we will do about each month
going forward.
January of
each year is the best time to get a game plan of first getting rid of our
obsolescence and then having a follow up plan to control it going forward. Letting it
build every year without a plan will just lead to a never-ending cycle that won't go away.
With a New
Year to work with, we can start our 12-month plan to get rid of it and prevent
it from growing in the future. Many Obsolescence Vendors and Dealers that are
interested in purchasing obsolescence are usually very hungry to buy
obsolescence at the beginning of each New Year as opposed to the end of their
fiscal year.
This allows
dealers that have an excessive amount of obsolescence to get their best Return
On Investment, (ROI) early in the New Year. Unfortunately, many dealers don't
even pay attention to their parts obsolescence until the end of each New Year
when they are reconciling their Parts Inventory, including "write
offs". Their attention to their parts obsolescence should actually be
spent in the first part of each New Year.
Number Two: Parts Monthly Reconciliation
Our Number
Two follows "hand-in-hand" with our Number One focus early on in the
first quarter of the New Year. What better time to set up a Monthly Parts
Reconciliation Process? Why wait until right after we finished up the previous year when we had to
"balance the books" and end of year Parts Physical Inventories for
most dealers?
and once again, the majority of dealers do not make it a practice of
reconciling their Parts Inventories each and every month. Even if they would
perform this "practice" each month and monitor their Parts Inventory
amounts between the Ledger Balance Inventory compared to the Controlled
Inventory in the DMS, it would be a plus.
Even if
they just monitored the monthly variances and make one final Journal Entry at
the end of the year, it would at least allow them to see if there are any major
discrepancies each month. It's much easier to go back over 30 days to find
errors versus trying to find these discrepancies over a whole year.
importantly, it's a great practice for Parts Managers to get into this practice as, in my
opinion, they need to take more "ownership" in their dealers Number
Two Asset as if it were their own.
Number Three: Perpetual Inventories -
Daily/Monthly Bin Checks
Number Three can't go without mention as there are more transactions in the
Parts Department in a single day than there are in the whole dealership in a
month. Thousands and thousands of part numbers that are in our Parts Inventory are managed daily and cannot go without some sort of on-going accountability.
best time to start a "Perpetual Inventory" Process is right after a
Physical Inventory is performed to verify a fresh, new starting point. Although, Many
Parts Managers confuse "Perpetual Inventories" with Daily, or Monthly
"Bin Checks".
difference between the two is quite simple as performing "Perpetual
Inventories" means that the whole inventory is counted
each month and reconciled with Accounting each month. Performing "Bin
Checks" just means that we may count a certain number of bins each day
or month as a sampling of the whole inventory to get an idea of what variances
there may be.
first of the year is a great time to start a process of either or both of the
two to avoid any major discrepancies in the inventory counts throughout the
year. The worst thing in my mind is to find out that we may have issues and too late by the end of the year.
Number Four: Parts Pricing Strategies - Menu Pricing
Last month we talked about one of our "End of Year" duties should be to review our Pricing Strategies, Service Menu Pricing and our Overall Parts Gross Percentages. In the first quarter of 2025, we need to act and implement these Pricing Strategies based on the results, in this case, in 2024.
Retail customers tend to adapt to price adjustments at the beginning of a New Year versus during the current year. Keep in mind, I'm not implying that just because we are entering into a New Year that we should increase our prices just because it's a New Year.
It's just a "better" time to make adjustments based on previous years' results. Managing our Parts Gross Profit, other than perhaps Warranty Parts Pricing and Collision Parts Pricing is our responsibility and for the most part, we control it.
Our Industry Guidelines are specific, and, in my opinion, we deserve to achieve the Industry Guidelines for our dealers. What better time than the first of the year to set these new goals and holding ourselves accountable to them in the New Year?
Our Menu Pricing should also be updated at the beginning of the New Year as we have to balance these prices to Industry Guidelines and our cost while remaining competitive in the Marketplace.
Lastly, we need to review our Parts Matrices to balance Captive Parts versus Competitive Parts. A successful matrix is one that works in achieving our overall Parts Gross Goals while remaining competitive. Even though the same matrix can bring different results between dealers, it's all about developing that balance on parts that we can matrix versus those parts that we cannot apply a matrix.
Number Five: A New Mindset for 2025
Perhaps one of the most important in our First Quarter Focus in 2025 is our overall "Parts Mindset". Even though it is our Number Five, if we don't have the right mindset in today's world, we may just be missing the boat in the overall scheme of things.
We all know that backorders, supply chain issues and overall parts availability is a way of life as it rains everywhere, and we all have to deal with it. The difference, in my opinion, between those who succeed and those that don't is the way we approach each day.
Even if we have the best DMS Set Ups & Controls, parts availability is what it comes down to. Our DMS, (if set up properly) is only providing information and the DMS does not know if parts are on backorder, or unavailable, it simply saying that we need these parts based on the proper math.
It all comes down to the Parts Manager making the proper decisions and to have the determination to do whatever it takes to get these parts and get these vehicles off the lift and on the road.
We have to have the "mindset" in my opinion to believe that someone out there has to have these parts that we need. Even though that may still not produce these "harder to get parts", we cannot sit back and wait until they may become available down the road.
We also need to include our Service Managers in our "Stock Order Meetings" to help us make those critical decisions on what parts we need to stock. Parts Managers look at a Stock Order much differently than a Service Manger does.
We, as Parts Managers tend to make Stock Order decisions based on the price of the part, Model Usage, History, Overall Amount of the Stock Order and Low & High Model Year Usage. After all, what if these parts we buy end up obsolete? The fear of buying parts that may not sell weighs heavily on the Parts Manager's mind.
The Service Manager on the other hand is looking at the part itself and what parts are tying up vehicles in the shop along with relative parts to complete the overall repair. In other words, what good would it do to stock the turbo without the associated bolts, gaskets and hoses?
We have to go above and beyond to do our jobs, much more than ever before, but if that's what it takes, then that's what we have to do. We can't let our guard down and just wait for things to happen instead of making things happen in 2025 and beyond.
Lastly, in my opinion, we have three basic responsibilities in our role as Parts Manager...
- Achieve and Maintain "First Time Off Shelf Fill Rates" of 75% - 85%
- Achieve and Maintain Parts Profitability to Industry & Dealer Guidelines
- Protect the Dealers Investment in Gross & True Turns as well as Controlling Parts Obsolescence to Industry Guidelines of 0% - 5%
Happy New Year "Smart Parts" Readers!
If you want to learn more about ACG Smart Parts "Eight Habits of Highly Successful Parts Managers", visit our website @, or...just pick up the phone and call me at :
(786) 521 - 1720...After all, not knowing is not worth not "fixing" it...